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Traditional IAM vs. Decentralized IAM in a Shifting Landscape


Traditional IAM

Decentralized IAM




Access Control

Centralized server grants access based on pre-defined roles

Users control access through digital wallets or tokens


Simple to set up and manage Centralized control * Standardized access policies

Enhanced security (no single point of failure) Improved privacy (user owns data) * Greater flexibility (fine-grained access control)


Single point of failure Scalability issues * Limited flexibility

More complex to implement and manage Interoperability challenges * Lack of standardization

Recent Challenges Highlighting Limitations

Explosion of cloud services Remote workforces * Evolving threat landscape

Explosion of cloud services Remote workforces * Evolving threat landscape

Future Outlook

Potential for a hybrid approach (traditional IAM for internal, decentralized for external)

Decentralized IAM gaining traction due to evolving security needs

As the identity landscape continues to evolve, staying informed about these trends and exploring new solutions like decentralized IAM is crucial. By understanding the evolving security challenges and the benefits of a more distributed approach, organizations can ensure a future-proof IAM strategy that prioritizes both security and user experience.

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